Day 2 of the sleepover was easy. I got up and let Ray and Murphy into the back yard. They didn't come back for an hour. Enough time for me to feed the cats, clean the catbox, make coffee (and drink a cup), eat breakfast, do the dishes, and read the comics. I finally had to fetch the dogs out of the yard so that I could feed them. They both had to go to school before the crew arrived, and I had to get to work.
That afternoon, I stopped by Marva's house and told her that I would drop Murphy off that night so that she could sleep in Rachel and Josh's bed (Rachel had suggested that I do this if Murphy was going to be barky). I told Marva that I would pick Murphy up the next morning and take her to school then bring her back to our house and drop her at Marva's again that night before Rachel and Josh returned home from their trip. Marva was agreeable.

Hey, wanna play?
When I picked the dogs up from school, Kristen was there.
"Ray slept all day," she said grinning, "He was really tired."
I wasn't surprised. I was tired too just from watching him and Murphy play all day.
When the dogs got home. it was like a repeat of Day 1 - WWF, doggy porn, and nonstop play. A quick tear around the back yard (too dark), then into the house to go through Ray's toybox. They were picking things out to keep-away from each other or play tug-of-war with. Most of the action took place in the front hall and it was littered with the bits and pieces of destroyed and dismembered toys.

As usual, Ray was the first to collapse. He curled up at the foot of the couch. Murphy didn't take long to follow. She crawled up next to him, then, at some point, got down and laid on the rug for awhile.

When she came back, she crawled up and over Ray's head, shimmied up his body (Ray never moved) and stretched out next to me, curving her neck over the back of mine like a furry, hot, panting, feather boa. The combined heat of our two necks was a bit too much for her so she stretched out over the back of the cool leather couch and fell asleep until it was time for her walk home.

That is craaazzzzy... All I can say is "wow" :)