Monday, January 16, 2012

Lip Service

Gregg and I were sitting in living room enjoying a cup of coffee. I heard a noise that sounded suspiciously like a dog chewing wood and looked over to see a dog butt and tail in the general vicinity of the front hall table. The rest of the dog body was blocked by a wall. I stood and took the two steps needed to see the dog head.
Ray was standing with his mouth on the little table, his top lip covering the corner. When he heard me come up behind him, he stood very still, his lip still resting peacefully on the wood as if he always used that spot as a lip-rest. I stood behind him for a minute, watching. Ray stood stock- still, only his oh-so-mobile eyebrows doing a nervous jig on his forehead and giving him away.
After the minute, just to show me that he might, in fact, use this exact spot as a lip-rest again, since he obviously found it completely comfortable, Ray removed his lip and sauntered away.


  1. If you had taken a picture of that scenario, a good title would have been, "If Dogs Could Whistle." (Ray definitely gets an "A" for nonchalance.)

  2. Joanne: LOL!! Roxy keeps trying to bring twigs and such into the house Before I open the door I give her a stern look and she the drops it with a look that says "what?"

  3. Another laugh out loud chuckle, just what I needed this morning, Minty's prognosis does indeed seem potentially serious, and I am throwing myself into alternative remedy research to try to help him, so light relief definitely welcomed in Ray form.

  4. am I a grownup: Tell me about Minty. I must have missed something.

  5. he has cancer which has spread to his bones... We are not sure where primary tumor is...the vets cannot offer treatment other than painkillers, we trying a treatment called the budwig diet, nothing to lose...but we remain realistic it is unlikely to save him.

  6. SOOO sorry. Our last dog had the same diagnosis. You are in our thoughts. Good luck with the diet.
